
Optica B Vision

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  • Petshop


From dogs and cats to rodents and birds, all pets can find something to their liking in the Animax pet shop and on Whether it's a new toy, a comfortable...

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  • Wine Shop

Enoteca de Savoya

Savoy Wine Shop, wine bar and specialized wine store, has been operating since the spring of 2009 in the historic center of Timisoara, in the basement of a mid-18th century house on...

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  • Fast Food

Grill 1

Grill 1 s-a infiintat din dorinta de a aduce clientilor mancare gustoasa, servita rapid si creata cu produse locale. La Grill 1 o sa puteti servi un mic dejun delicios in intervalul de ore 8...

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  • Ice Cream

Gelateria „Hugo e amici”

The "Hugo e amici" ice cream parlor wants to surprise you with a new ice cream concept. We all know what a joy a cup of ice cream represents; that is why, under the advice...

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  • News & Convenience

Tabac Xpress

Tabac Xpress SRL este compania ce opereaza brandurile Xpress si Xtime in Romania. Xpress este o retea de magazine in format tabac & news & convenience, cu un portofoliu de produse...

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