• Fast Food

Grill 1

About Grill 1

Grill 1 s-a infiintat din dorinta de a aduce clientilor mancare gustoasa, servita rapid si creata cu produse locale.  La Grill 1 o sa puteti servi un mic dejun delicios in intervalul de ore 8:00-11:30, iar incepand cu ora 12:00 vom servi meniurile pentru pranz.

Meniul pentru micul dejun poate fi compus din omleta, ochiuri de ou cu bacon, sandwich, cald sau rece, hot dog, toate alaturi de o cafea sau diverse sucuri proaspete, facute la fata locului. 

Pranzul la Grill 1 este bazat pe o variatate de carnuri facute la gratar (pui, porc si vita) alaturi de garnituri si sosuri bine alese. Calitatea si prospetimea mancarii este cea mai importanta pentru noi. Va asteptam la Grill 1!


A shopping center in the true sense of the word that serves the Dumbravita residential area. Premium services, both in the food and lifestyle areas, contribute to increasing the standard of living and comfort in northern Timisoara.


Pleasantly impressed! My experience is a special one every time I choose to go to the Galaxy Shopping Center to shop. The interior spaces and the outdoor parking are always clean and airy. Quality products but also exclusive for all budgets. A big plus for the area wines and organic products from the Mega Image supermarket.


I am very happy with this shopping center. I find everything I need for everyday life. I appreciate the fact that it is always clean and I always find a parking space available.


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